On to Tau Ceti Page 14
Jefferson George Fitsimmons – 60, 38 year veteran of the Western Republic Air Force, Major General. 6’ 2”, 210 lbs. Appearance: Looks like a 20th century 45 year old male in excellent condition. Missing the in Utero corrections and some of the latest therapies available currently his generation aged slowly but not to the level of the generation the Glory belongs to. However with a full head of Brown hair, tanned complexion, and blue eyes he still has the look of a lady killer and with his gym rat dedication and many years of advanced had-to-hand combat training is not one to be messed with. A no-nonsense commander, he has earned the respect of his subordinates, peers and command through many campaigns defending the republic over the years.
Hiroshi Sato – 28, 4 year Air Force veteran, 1st Lieutenant. 6’ 1”, 175 lbs. Appearance: Japanese decent, black hair and eyes, slight build and looks like still should be in high school. Shuttle Pilot.
Chief of Engineering - Colonel Javier Rodrigues
Navigation Chief - Lt. Colonel Eva Svenson
Screen Fleet Commander - Colonel Helen Montgomery
CentCom Commander - General Bradley Emerson
Chief Medical Officer - Dr. Rhonda Evans
Marine Commander - Captain Adam Gerard
Chief of Astrometrics - Captain Bonnie Anderson
Chief of Psychiatry – Dr. Emma Gossling
Lead Geneticist - Captain Emily Gardner – Also “Listener” nearly as sensitive as Glory
Lead Pathologist – Lt Colonel Greg Williams
Saoi – one of the natives of Eden and the first to show individuality and a close friendship with Glory
Captain Jason Everret – Space Boss (Shuttle Dispatch Coordinator)
Captain Andrew Zimmerman – Tactical Warfare Specialist
Chief of Geo Sciences – Lt Colonel Jasper Unbuntu
Paititi Settlement Commander – Lt Colonel Eileen Richardson
Stars – Epsilon Eridani, Tau Ceti, Delta Pavonis