On to Tau Ceti Read online

  The Collective

  Vol II: On to Tau Ceti


  The Western Republic yearns to expand the human race to other worlds. The Columbia is Earth’s first FTL capable ship and completed the first leg of their mission by successfully planting a scientific outpost on Epsilon Eridani 5 (now named Eden with the outpost called Babylon). Columbia was surprised to find a race of people there that referred to themselves as ‘The Collective’ because they formed a telepathic collective consciousness. After rescuing them from a planned conquest by the Basel Confederation, the Collective now joins the crew of the Columbia as they travel to Tau Ceti to plant another scientific outpost in preparation of colonization.





  Chapter 1 - To Tau Ceti

  Chapter 2 - Wormhole

  Chapter 3 - Intruder

  Chapter 4 - Jump

  Chapter 5 - Atlantis

  Chapter 6 - Landing

  Chapter 7 - Ghost

  Chapter 8 - Settlement

  Chapter 9 - Help

  Chapter 10 - Standoff

  Chapter 11 - Phantoms

  Chapter 12 - Desperate

  Chapter 13 - Ruthless

  Chapter 14 - Others

  Chapter 15 - Home


  High Commander Baktul paced the Command Center of the Battle Cruiser Victorious while his staff issued final orders to the Basel Confederation Battle Group under his command. That a Battle Group was necessary at all to conquer this ‘uninhabited’ planet was ludicrous, but two previous missions had resulted in loss of both ships with no survivors. Since their arrival in system every landing craft or attack craft had either lost all power, exploded, or lost control and burnt up on entry into the atmosphere.

  “High Commander targeting solution is complete. The Battle Group awaits your orders.” Commander Rahook, second in command, informed his superior.

  “Good, let’s see how they like our missiles. Launch!” the High Commander ordered.

  Rahook entered the final command to launch massive salvos of nuclear missiles at the surface of the planet below them. “Missiles away” he announced. He stared at the plot of missiles intently as though his very life depended on it, which it did. The Basel Confederation tolerated no failure and this was his plan of attack.

  The three ships together launched a total of 48 missiles, reloaded their launchers and sent 2 more full salvos in the next half minute. The 3d plot showed 3 massive waves of missiles heading in planet. Baktul sneered at the plot anticipating successful destruction, but suddenly the first wave of missiles began moving erratically. Missiles began crashing into one another, exploding in space, or just falling out of control as though all power was lost. Then the second wave began to veer off course and in fact turned back toward the fleet and crashed into or exploded near the third wave until none were left.

  Rahook turned to express his astonishment to his commander but was unable to utter a single word before Baktul’s long blade pierced his heart. As he held his second in command upright by his blade Baktul looked at the rest of his staff and spoke in an almost growl “If you do not wish to join him then find a way to get past their defenses!!”

  “Their many bombs were difficult to deflect. If their numbers were many more we might not have gotten them all. How much longer can we prevent their entry?”

  “We must listen more on this and find new defenses.”

  “If only the others we listened with could help us.”

  “If only they could. We are one on this.”

  Chapter 1 - To Tau Ceti

  Columbia was busy in preparation for departure on the next leg of their mission. After scaring off the Basel Confederation attack with the help of the Collective implanting the Basel’s legend of Space Phantoms attacking their ship and coming for the crew’s souls, then 4 months repairing the damage from both friend and foe, Columbia was now fully operational again.

  The Babylon Scientific Outpost was now fully self-sufficient. 6,500 humans were now calling Epsilon Eridani 5 (code named Eden for the mission) home and Babylon their home town. With the native race of humanoids that call themselves the Collective as welcoming hosts the new colony was sure to not need for anything. The Collective take their name because of their telepathic communications. They are essentially a collective consciousness as they join as one, especially in time of need. It turns out that the human species possesses latent telepathic and telekinetic abilities that manifested when they encountered the Collective. About half of the crew of Columbia (including Babylon inhabitants) have developed some measure of telepathy in the months since arriving at Eden. Some more so than others and amongst the strongest of the crew is the second in command of Columbia, Colonel Glory Bria Callaghan. Possessing a keen intellect that earned her a well-deserved nickname of Glorious Glory as she ascended through the ranks, plus cybernetic implants fresh from R&D that allow her to merge with the ships systems in her mind, as well as the most advanced Psi abilities in the crew which allow her to join into the Collective, she is truly unique.

  Columbia, with 13,500 crew and 5,000 of the Collective, is preparing to depart for Tau Ceti with mission parameters to install a permanent scientific outpost there as a precursor to colonization as well.

  “All stations prepare for departure, department chiefs report status.” Major General Jefferson George Fitsimmons spoke into his commlink ship wide and then turned towards Glory. “Colonel, ship’s status if you please?”

  Glory accessed the ships systems as the department heads updated and confirmed their status. Also she opened herself to feel the ship’s crew and into near space and then reported “All ships status reports are green and go for launch Sir.”

  Even though Jeff and Glory have worked together for years on this project and have become good friends they try to observe proper military decorum and procedure while in C&C and especially for occasions such as this.

  “Thank you Colonel, Nav course status please.” Jeff then prompted Columbia’s Navigation Chief - Lt. Colonel Eva Svenson.

  “Course plotted and laid in Sir.” Eva replied.

  “Very well then, let’s see what waits for us at Tau Ceti. Launch!” Jeff ordered.

  Military decorum be damned, that announcement was received with boisterous cheers that reached the confines of C&C and even a few cheers from within.

  “Leaving orbit now, engaging Ion drives at 0.75 C. Time to Heliopause approximately 15 hours.” Eva narrated as they left Eden for Tau Ceti 4, code named Atlantis.

  Glory monitored their progress viewing the main tactical 3d plot while also maintaining a tight link with the ship systems but also now reached out with her mind feeling the personnel around her. Easiest to find was Saoi (pronounced “See”; Gaelic for Wise One) which was the name she gave to the particular member of the Collective that has been partnered with her since the very first contact when they arrived in system. His presence was welcome and comforting. Together their focus reached out to see near space in front of Columbia looking for any dangers that the systems might miss but also joining to enjoy open space.

  After about a half hour Glory was roused from her multitasking by a tap on the shoulder. “Earth to Dreamy, come on back.” Jeff whispered to her.

  Back in the here and now Glory blushed and apologized. “Oh Jeff, sorry I got a little deep in exploring our path and stretched a little thin trying to watch systems too.”

  Saoi also tried to take responsibility “General she was sensing near space so well I’m afraid I urged her on further than we should have.”

  Jeff held up his hands and chuckled quietly “No harm, no foul. It’s alright, you two love birds just got caught up
in the scenery a bit too much.”

  Glory’s face now blushed red enough to match her flaming red hair “General I assure you that we’re not…”

  Jeff placed his hands on her shoulders “Glo, relax, I’m just kidding. I just wanted to suggest you two go relax a bit and get something to eat. I’ll take first shift on the Con and you can relieve me at 1300. Ok?”

  Seeing the smile on his face and the twinkle in those blue eyes she relaxed and chuckled slightly “Yes Sir, that sounds like a great idea. Oh, the menu has that pumpkin pie you two are so fond of. I’ll make sure Saoi leaves a piece or two for you.”

  Saoi used to be her private name she had for him but in the months since individuality has crept into the Collective he accepted the name and encouraged its use.

  “It will take great restraint but with Glory’s help I will make sure to not eat all the pie.” Saoi deadpanned. He communicated to all the “non-communicators” like Jeff through a Vocalizer hanging from a necklace. The Vocalizer tracked his neural patterns and translated those into speech when he wished to speak.

  “Maybe I’d better request the dining hall send a couple slices up here just in case.” Jeff said with a wink. “Ok, off with you two before we lose all discipline here.” He said as he gave Glory a little nudge toward the exit.

  “Ok Ok we’re going. Sheeesh pushy much.” Glory giggled as her and Saoi headed off duty.

  Eva, having been relieved herself, walked over to the plot next to Jeff “I wonder how long it’ll take them to realize how much they really care for each other?”

  “You know how focused our Glorious Glory can be. Sometimes it seems that she can see 10 light years clearly but miss what’s 2 feet in front of her. It’ll be fun to watch though won’t it?”

  “That it will be Sir.” Eva replied and headed out of C&C chuckling to herself.

  Glory and Saoi seldom talked verbally between themselves as they typically let their consciousness merge so conversations were as much feeling the world around them and experiencing it together. As they passed through some of the crew quarters they felt the impressions of passion and arousal. Glory felt Saoi drifting towards those impressions and guided him back to the corridor they were passing through.

  “Why do you direct me away from those feelings and why are they so loud?” Saoi asked.

  “Well this is a little hard to explain but with a closed door we humans expect some measure of privacy in certain times, especially with that type of feeling.” Glory let her understanding of intimacy flow through their link to let him understand better. “As far as being loud I don’t think they have any idea they are broadcasting in that manner. We humans have only had a little less than a year to begin to learn about telepathy and that couple might not even be sensitive.”

  “So much passion for just a biological event.”

  “So when your race procreated it was just a biological event?” Glory asked.

  “Yes, we decided that young were needed and performed what was needed for procreation. It all became a bit unseemly and is one of the reasons we have not had any children in many years.”

  “Well friend, I assure you that we humans do not find the act of procreation unseemly. In fact, we are known to practice the act even when not leading to procreation because we find it enjoyable.” Again Glory let her impressions of sex flow along with her thoughts to give him a better context even though this brought a fresh blush to her face.

  “I find this quite strange and will have to listen on this further.”

  “No, no listening on this, for now, if possible please. Just let’s see if we can give this and any other loud couples some privacy and I promise to discuss with you more later.” Glory said while taking his arm in hers and gently directing him on.

  “Ok ok, sheesh pushy much.” He thought to her.

  “I think Jeff’s right. I am corrupting you. Ok, let’s see if we can get you some pie.”

  As they continued on to the Mess Hall Glory realized that Saoi was the same height as her. At 5 foot 9 inches tall Glory was amongst the shortest of the crew. Her parents had not opted for physical ‘enhancements’ and so found herself looking up constantly to the crew whose parents had asked for more than just genetic tweaks to assure health. Although Glory suspected that they had convinced the doctors to provide some tweaks in mental capacity.

  “Saoi, it seems as though you are taller now than when we first met.”

  “Our stature was what we felt as proper for our environment. Now that we are among your crew we felt slightly out of place and so encouraged our bodies to grow. Is this a problem?” He replied.

  “No, not at all. I just had not noticed until now and the thought of just telling your body to grow never occurred to me as a possibility, but I shouldn’t be surprised.” Glory shrugged her shoulders and took his arm a little tighter as a reassurance.

  “Good, because I find I like being able to look straight into your eyes.” He thought to her as they continued on to their meal together.

  Columbia is now one hour from traversing the Heliopause and the senior staff are meeting in the Commander’s Conference Room to review last minute details before entering FTL.

  General Fitsimmons enters the room and all stand at attention. “As you were, please be seated everyone.” At that point he notices what appears to be a dog sitting at the side of the room behind the Chief of Astrometrics, Captain Bonnie Anderson. He takes his seat still looking at the ‘dog’, “I didn’t realize this was take you pet to work day and when did we find dogs on Eden?” Jeff commented laughing.

  “I’m sorry General she’s mine and I can have her wait outside if you want.” Bonnie responded and was very flustered.

  “No, no that won’t be needed. I was just surprised is all. Can you explain a little though?” Jeff asked still not taking his eyes off of ‘her’.

  “Robotics had been working on small robots to serve as sentries around Babylon but seeing as there are no predators to worry about and with the presence of the Collective the sentries were not needed. However, considering the length of our mission they decided to try some of them as companions for those of us that are not part of the colonization teams. To make them more appealing they have made them appear and act like cats or dogs. I am one of the fortunate ones to try a companion and being a dog lover they made her appear to be a beagle. Her name is Maggie.”

  “So I would take it that she is keyed to your voice to accept commands?” Jeff asked.

  “Yes Sir, I am primary but also she has facial and voice recognition of all the crew and personnel onboard Columbia and provided there is not a conflict with an order I have given her any of the crew can provide direction for her to follow. Actually Sir, you and Colonel Callaghan would have command override.” Bonnie explained.

  “I would like to learn more about her but first things first we need to conduct some official ship’s business. Navigation, status report please.” Jeff looked to Eva Svenson for her update.

  “Yes Sir. We have about 53 minutes now until we reach Heliopause. Once we pass through we’ll lock Grav Focus on Tau Ceti at 10 C and we’ll make the Tau Ceti system in right at 8 months.” Eva reported.

  “Thank you Eva. Engineering how are the repairs to nodes and Grav Drives holding up?”

  “Better than expected Sir. In fact, so far the drives appear to be exceeding efficiency and output we saw as we departed Sol system thanks to the improvements suggested by our Collective allies.” Javier gave a nod of appreciation to Saoi who acted as the representative for the Collective in these meetings.

  “We are honored to have been able to assist.” Saoi replied.

  “I see no problems with the drives and are green to go for 10 C.” Javier completed his assessment to the general.

  “I would have been surprised with anything else. Medical?” Jeff looked to Rhonda for her update.

  “Well since we have established at least one viable colony site and have approved maternity for both colonies our couples
seem to be in a race to see who can deliver first.” That sent a chuckle around the table. “Currently Babylon reports 5 expectant mothers and we have 4 expecting from the Tau Ceti contingent.” At that Saoi raised his hand and Rhonda acknowledged him. “Yes Saoi?”

  “May I ask what they are expecting to be delivered?” Saoi asked.

  Rhonda hesitated a second and Jeff stepped in to the silence “Well that is an Earth slang for pregnant. I know it can be a little hard to keep up with our terms…… and Glory why does it look like you are about to burst?” Jeff commented to his second in command who was turning bright red and looked like she was about to break out in hysterical laughter.

  “I’m sorry Sir but you’ve been played. He picked up on our slang and idiosyncrasies months ago.” Glory explained as she could not contain herself any longer. The rest of the staff, including Jeff joined her.

  After a minute Jeff was able to compose himself. “Well there is absolutely no question anymore. Glo you have completely corrupted him and turned him into another of you.” Jeff wagged a finger at her with a wink. “But back to business Rhonda I believe you had another item on the agenda?”

  “Yes Sir. Saoi this is a very delicate subject and I hesitate to bring it up.”

  Saoi responded “Doctor Evans is there a problem? We hope we have not offended in any way.”

  “Coming from a society where all are one mind, literally, our human individuality and privacy I’m sure can be very confusing.” Rhonda began. “I know that you are very curious about us and trying to learn all you can and have been extremely helpful, but we need to find a way to respect some boundaries. I have had some patients that were a bit disconcerted that they were told about a cancer or other anomaly without having been asked. I agree that in every case they were right but humans regard their personal space and privacy, no matter how well meaning. Now before we go any further we only bring this up so that we can provide some training for both Collective and humans to learn to live together better. This is not a big concern just that we need to understand each other better so that we live together in something like harmony.”